domingo, 9 de agosto de 2020


Hi! Today i am going to talk about an expert in the field of political science that i admire, or something like it: Juan Carlos Monedero.

First of all, i have been thinking and i do not have really any referent. I do not admire anyone in the field of political science. In this case, the selection of Monedero corresponds to the facts that he is one of the first intellectuals in politics that i knew. 

Juan Carlos Monedero is a Spanish political scientist, politician and professor. He was born in 1963, studied political science at the Complutense University of Madrid and did his doctorate at the University of Heidelberg. He has advised the United Left party of Spain between 2000 and 2010, and leftist Latin American governments, mainly the Venezuelan government of Hugo Chavez between 2005 and 2010. 

Later he participated in political debate and interview programs, in the "Indignados Movement" or "15-M Movement" and in the formation of "We Can", a Spanish leftist party, in 2014. Currently he is a member of this party, being the director of the think tank.

I follow his intellectual career because he has been an important voice on the Spanish left, a country that interests me quite a lot. In addition, he has been very closely related to the Latin American left, providing interesting analyses and raising new, but questionable, political ideas linked to 21st century socialism.

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