Hi! Today i am going to talk about my bucket list.
The activities that i would include on my bucket list are: (is not in order)
1. Having a stable band: composing, recording and playing with it.
2. Getting to know the south and the extreme south of Chile.
3. Travel to Spain, specially to the Basque Country and Catalonia, and Cuba. Perhaps to more countries.
4. Take drumming lessons. So far i have been self-taught.
5. Finish the career.
6. See a UFO and enter a military compound in the style of "The X-Files".
7. Working in a print shop: democratize reading of books!
8. Specialize in political theory.
9. Watch live to many bands: Rage Against The Machine, The Sundays, Title Fight, Cap'n Jazz, American Football, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Explosions In The Sky, Boom Boom Kid, among others.
10. Write a book about politics, perhaps about political theory.
11. Become independent: have a place to live and a job.
I think most of them are hard to come by (but not impossible… i think…), because there are many factors that condition things.
The number one is the only one i have ever done, more or less... Because there are always problems, mainly the availability.
These activities i would like to share with my family, my friends and my girlfriend, because there are very important people for me.
Thanks you for reading me!